Navigating Divorce When Your Spouse is Uncooperative: Legal Strategies in Israel

Divorce can be emotionally taxing under the best circumstances, but when one spouse is uncooperative, the process can become even more challenging and drawn out. In Israel, where divorce proceedings often involve a complex interplay of civil and religious law, navigating an uncooperative spouse requires strategic planning and a solid understanding of legal options. Whether your spouse is refusing to participate in the divorce, hiding assets, or stalling the process, there are legal strategies available to help you move forward.

This blog will outline key legal strategies to navigate divorce when your spouse is uncooperative in Israel, highlighting your rights, the role of the courts, and how to protect yourself and your interests.

1. Understanding the Legal Landscape of Divorce in Israel

Before diving into specific strategies for dealing with an uncooperative spouse, it is essential to understand the legal framework that governs divorce in Israel. Divorce for Jews in Israel is typically handled by the Rabbinical Court (Beit Din) based on Jewish law (Halakha), while Muslims, Christians, and Druze have their respective religious courts. Family courts also play a role in adjudicating issues like child custody, division of assets, and spousal support, particularly in civil matters or cases involving interfaith marriages.

In cases where one spouse is uncooperative, both civil and religious courts can be involved, depending on the nature of the marriage and the specific issues at hand. It is important to work with an experienced attorney who understands both systems to ensure your case is handled appropriately.

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2. When a Spouse Refuses to Grant a Get (Jewish Divorce)

One of the most common forms of uncooperativeness in divorce cases involving Jewish couples in Israel is the refusal of a husband to grant a “get,” the religious document required for a Jewish divorce. Without the get, the wife is considered an “agunah” (chained woman), unable to remarry or move on with her life within the Jewish faith.

Legal Strategies for Obtaining a Get:

  • Involving the Rabbinical Court: The Rabbinical Court has the authority to apply pressure on the husband to grant the get, including imposing sanctions such as fines, revoking a driver’s license, or even imprisonment in extreme cases. These sanctions aim to encourage the husband to comply with the divorce process.
  • Filing for Civil Remedies: In addition to seeking relief from the Rabbinical Court, a wife can also file for civil remedies in family court, such as alimony or child support, which may incentivize the husband to cooperate.
  • Agunot Support Organizations: If you find yourself in this situation, there are various organizations in Israel dedicated to supporting agunot (women trapped in marriages due to the Get refusal). These organizations can offer legal advice, emotional support, and advocacy in both religious and civil courts.

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3. Uncooperative Behavior in Civil Divorce Cases

In civil divorce cases, uncooperative spouses can delay the process in several ways, such as refusing to respond to legal documents, not showing up for court hearings, or stalling in negotiations over asset division and child custody. Such tactics can be frustrating, but there are legal strategies available to counter them.

Legal Strategies for Dealing with Delays:

  • Filing a Motion for Contempt of Court: If your spouse repeatedly fails to comply with court orders or refuses to participate in the proceedings, you can file a motion for contempt of court. This can result in penalties or enforcement actions, such as fines or even jail time, forcing the uncooperative spouse to engage in the process.
  • Requesting Default Judgments: If your spouse refuses to respond to divorce filings or fails to appear in court after being served, you may be able to request a default judgment. This means the court can issue a ruling in your favor based on the evidence you have provided, even without your spouse’s participation.
  • Temporary Orders for Support or Custody: While the divorce is ongoing, you can seek temporary orders from the court regarding spousal support, child custody, and asset control. These orders ensure that your financial needs and your children’s well-being are protected during the divorce, even if your spouse is dragging their feet.

4. Hidden Assets and Financial Dishonesty

Uncooperative spouses may attempt to hide assets or manipulate financial information to gain an advantage in the divorce settlement. In Israel, as in many countries, both parties are required to provide full financial disclosure during the divorce process, and hiding assets is illegal.

spouse hiding assets in a divorce

Legal Strategies for Handling Hidden Assets:

  • Discovery Process: Israeli law allows for a legal process known as “discovery,” during which both parties must disclose their financial information, including bank accounts, property, investments, and other assets. If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets, your attorney can request detailed financial records through the court.
  • Forensic Accounting: In complex cases, it may be necessary to hire a forensic accountant to trace hidden assets or uncover financial discrepancies. A forensic accountant can identify undeclared income, hidden bank accounts, or undervalued properties that your spouse may be concealing.
  • Court Sanctions for Non-Disclosure: If your spouse fails to disclose financial assets, the court can impose sanctions, such as ordering them to pay penalties or awarding a larger share of the marital assets to you. In some cases, the court may even reopen the financial settlement if hidden assets are discovered after the divorce is finalized.

5. Custody Battles with an Uncooperative Spouse

Child custody is often one of the most contentious issues in divorce, and an uncooperative spouse can make the process even more difficult. They may refuse to negotiate custody arrangements or fail to comply with visitation agreements, causing stress for both the children and the custodial parent.

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Legal Strategies for Resolving Custody Issues:

  • Mediation: In Israel, courts often encourage mediation for resolving custody disputes. Mediation allows both parents to work together to develop a custody plan that serves the best interests of the child. It is less adversarial than court proceedings and can lead to a quicker resolution.
  • Custody Evaluations: If mediation fails or the spouse remains uncooperative, the court may order a custody evaluation. A court-appointed social worker or psychologist will assess the family situation and make recommendations to the court regarding the best custody arrangement for the children.
  • Enforcement of Custody Orders: If your spouse refuses to comply with custody or visitation orders, you can file a motion for enforcement with the court. The court may impose sanctions or modify the custody arrangement to ensure compliance.

6. Mediation and Collaborative Divorce

In cases where one spouse is uncooperative, mediation and collaborative divorce can offer alternative solutions that avoid the adversarial nature of court battles. These approaches encourage both parties to work together with legal professionals, mediators, and financial advisors to reach a fair settlement.

Benefits of Mediation:

  • Less Adversarial: Mediation is a less confrontational approach, which can reduce hostility between spouses and lead to more amicable solutions.
  • Time-Efficient: Mediation often resolves disputes faster than going through the court system, saving both time and money.
  • Customized Solutions: Mediation allows for more flexible and personalized solutions than those typically ordered by a judge.

However, for mediation to be successful, both parties need to be willing to participate in good faith. If your spouse remains uncooperative, it may be necessary to pursue more formal legal action.

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7. Protecting Your Emotional Well-Being

Divorce is not just a legal process—it’s an emotional journey, especially when your spouse is making the process difficult. While legal strategies are essential, it’s equally important to take care of your emotional well-being during this time. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist, and stay focused on the long-term outcome.


Navigating divorce with an uncooperative spouse in Israel can be a frustrating and challenging experience, but you do not have to face it alone. Understanding your legal rights and options is the first step toward overcoming the obstacles your spouse may place in your path. By using strategies like seeking court enforcement, involving a mediator, or pursuing sanctions for non-compliance, you can protect your interests and move forward with the divorce process. Working with an experienced attorney is essential to ensure that your rights are upheld and that you achieve a fair resolution, even when your spouse is uncooperative.

בן גוריון 11, מגדל ויטה, בני ברק

לקביעת פגישת ייעוץ



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