False Complaints In Divorce

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False Complaints in Divorce Proceedings


False complaints can be a serious problem in divorce proceedings. False complaints can have serious devastating effects in the process and can be filed by either spouse.

What Are False Complaints?

As the name says, false complaints are any complaints made to the police and/or other authorities that turn out to be untrue. When it comes to the divorce process, false complaints can be made about anything, but the practice has shown that ex-partners tend to file false complaints mostly regarding child abuse and domestic violence. 

Why Do People File False Complaints?

There are many reasons why people file false complaints and they are not universal. Each situation a person is forced to handle is specific and has a great impact on one’s feelings and rational thinking. 

Divorce itself is a very hard situation for a person, so a partner can be tempted to file false complaints to get an advantage in the process, or because he/she is angry, agitated, or seeks revenge. The reasons are numerous, but sometimes a person does it due to mental illness or a history of abusive behavior. 

What Are the Consequences of a False Complaint?

Initially, the partner who’s been accused of false charges can suffer great damage – even imprisonment and criminal charges for a crime, depending on the severity of a false complaint that was filed. It can take time to prove the innocence, and even after the false accusations are dropped, the person can suffer due to lost reputation and damaged relationships.

What Can You Do If You Are the Victim of a False Complaint?

If you are the victim of a false complaint, it is important to take action immediately. You should contact an attorney and file a report with the police. You should also document everything that happens, including the date, time, and location of the incident, as well as the names of any witnesses.

How Can You Prevent False Complaints?

Unfortunately, there is no method you can use that can 100% guarantee that your spouse won’t file false complaints against you. All you can do is do your best to minimize that risk by maintaining a good relationship with your spouse during the divorce process. Of course, you should refrain from using any bad words, verbal assault, or any behavior that can be seen as threatening. Also, be careful what you say and in front of who. 


False complaints are a serious problem, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. If you are the victim of a false complaint, it is important to take action immediately. You should contact an attorney and file a report with the police. You should also document everything that happens, including the date, time, and location of the incident, as well as the names of any witnesses.

Additional Information

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)

The National Child Abuse Hotline


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