How to Handle a Spouse Hiding Assets During Divorce

Divorce is often an emotionally charged and complicated process. When one spouse attempts to hide assets to avoid a fair division of property, the situation becomes even more challenging. Hiding assets during a divorce is not only unethical but also illegal, as it undermines the equitable distribution of marital property. In Israel, like in many other jurisdictions, both spouses are required to fully disclose their assets so that the court can determine an appropriate division of property.

Unfortunately, hidden assets can significantly skew the financial outcome of a divorce, leaving one spouse with less than they are entitled to. In this blog, we will discuss how to identify signs of hidden assets, the legal options available in Israel to address this issue, and the steps you can take to protect your financial interests during a divorce.

Signs That a Spouse May Be Hiding Assets

Recognizing the signs of hidden assets is the first step in addressing the issue. While it may not always be immediately apparent, certain behaviors and actions can serve as red flags. Here are some of the most common signs that a spouse may be attempting to hide assets during a divorce:

spouse hiding assets in a divorce

1. Sudden Changes in Financial Behavior

If your spouse has suddenly become more secretive about finances or has started making unusual financial decisions, it could be a sign that they are trying to hide assets. For example, they might insist on handling all the financial matters alone or become defensive when asked about money. A spouse who previously shared financial information but now avoids discussing it is raising a red flag.

2. Unexplained Withdrawals or Transfers

Large, unexplained withdrawals from joint bank accounts or the sudden transfer of funds to unknown accounts or third parties could be an indication of asset concealment. Some spouses might attempt to move money out of reach by transferring it to offshore accounts, family members, or business entities they control. Monitoring bank and investment accounts for unusual activity is critical during a divorce.

3. Undervalued or Hidden Property

A spouse may try to undervalue or underreport certain assets to make them seem less valuable than they are. This can include real estate, vehicles, jewelry, or other valuable possessions. Alternatively, a spouse may fail to disclose certain assets entirely, such as secondary properties or investment portfolios.

4. Overreporting Debts

Some spouses may inflate their debts to reduce their net worth on paper, making it appear that they have fewer assets available for division. This could involve creating false liabilities, overstating business expenses, or fabricating loans from family members or friends.

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5. Inconsistent Financial Statements

If the income or assets reported by your spouse do not align with your knowledge of their lifestyle or financial activities, it may be an indication that they are hiding something. For instance, if your spouse consistently reports lower income but maintains an extravagant lifestyle, this discrepancy should be investigated.

Legal Recourse in Israel for Hidden Assets

In Israel, the family court expects full financial disclosure from both parties during divorce proceedings. Failing to disclose assets is considered a violation of the law, and the courts take a harsh view of such behavior. However, uncovering hidden assets requires diligence and often the help of legal professionals and financial experts.

Here are some of the legal options and strategies available to address hidden assets during a divorce in Israel:

1. Discovery Process

The discovery process is a legal mechanism used to gather information about the financial circumstances of both parties. During this process, each spouse is required to provide detailed documentation of their assets, income, debts, and financial transactions. These documents may include bank statements, tax returns, property deeds, and business records.

If one spouse suspects that the other is hiding assets, they can request additional documentation or depositions to clarify any discrepancies. Discovery allows the court to gain a full understanding of the couple’s financial situation, ensuring that the division of assets is fair and equitable.

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2. Forensic Accounting

In complex cases where a spouse is suspected of hiding significant assets, hiring a forensic accountant can be an effective strategy. Forensic accountants are skilled in tracing financial transactions, uncovering hidden accounts, and identifying discrepancies in financial records. They can analyze tax returns, investment portfolios, and business accounts to determine if assets are being concealed.

A forensic accountant can also investigate potential fraud or manipulation of financial statements, such as overreporting expenses or underreporting income. Their findings can be presented in court as evidence to support your claim of hidden assets.

3. Obtaining Court Orders

If a spouse refuses to cooperate with the discovery process or provides incomplete or misleading information, the court has the authority to issue orders compelling full disclosure. In Israel, the family court can require a spouse to provide additional financial documents or to explain discrepancies in their financial statements under oath.

In cases of non-compliance, the court may impose penalties or sanctions, such as fines, or even award a larger portion of the marital assets to the compliant spouse. These measures are designed to encourage transparency and ensure that both parties have a fair and equal opportunity to present their case.

4. Utilizing International Treaties

In some cases, a spouse may attempt to hide assets in foreign jurisdictions. This can complicate the discovery process, as different countries have varying levels of financial transparency and cooperation with international courts.

Israel is a signatory to several international treaties and conventions, such as the Hague Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and Family Maintenance. While these treaties primarily focus on child support, they also provide mechanisms for international cooperation in family law matters, including asset discovery.

If assets are hidden in another country, your attorney can work with international legal authorities to trace those assets and request their inclusion in the divorce proceedings.

Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Interests

While legal professionals play a crucial role in uncovering hidden assets, there are steps you can take to protect your financial interests during a divorce. By staying vigilant and proactive, you can increase your chances of a fair outcome.

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1. Monitor Financial Accounts

One of the best ways to detect hidden assets is by closely monitoring your joint and individual financial accounts. Keep track of bank statements, credit card bills, and investment portfolios. If you notice any unusual transactions, such as large withdrawals or transfers to unknown accounts, bring them to the attention of your attorney.

2. Gather Financial Documents

Collect and organize all relevant financial documents before and during the divorce process. This includes tax returns, pay stubs, property deeds, mortgage statements, business records, and retirement account statements. Having a complete picture of your financial situation can help your attorney identify any potential discrepancies.

3. Work with a Skilled Attorney

If you suspect that your spouse is hiding assets, it is crucial to work with an experienced divorce attorney who is familiar with asset tracing and the discovery process. Your attorney can guide you through the legal options available and work with financial experts to uncover hidden assets.

4. Be Honest About Your Own Finances

It is important to be honest and transparent about your own financial situation throughout the divorce process. Failing to disclose your own assets or income can weaken your case and harm your credibility in court. Full financial transparency is essential to achieving a fair and just division of assets.

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Dealing with a spouse who is hiding assets during a divorce is a serious issue that requires legal intervention and careful financial investigation. In Israel, the family court takes asset concealment very seriously, and there are legal mechanisms in place to ensure full financial disclosure. By working with legal and financial professionals, you can uncover hidden assets and protect your financial interests during the divorce process.

If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets, do not hesitate to seek legal counsel. A skilled attorney will help you navigate the discovery process, uncover hidden financial information, and ensure that the division of assets is fair and equitable.

בן גוריון 11, מגדל ויטה, בני ברק

לקביעת פגישת ייעוץ



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