Divorce lawyer

A divorce attorney, who calculates the complete picture for you!

Segal Shmavet & Co. is a law firm that specializes in handling divorce cases, in dealing with a full understanding of the clients’ needs and the situation they face throughout the legal process

Recognizing the personal relationship between the attorney and his clients, especially at this sensitive stage of their lives, we at Shmavet & Co., provide our clients with the best advice for them, while understanding and examining the various moves for their short and long-term consequences.

Our firm is ranked in Dun’s 100 among the leading law firms in Israel in the field of family and inheritance law for 2022 

Managing divorce cases

Our firm has gained a lot of professional and personal experience in managing divorce cases. The personal and professional support that our clients receive characterizes us as an expert and experienced boutique firm that provides various services in the field of divorce, including:

  • Drafting divorce agreements: complex agreements dealing with the most sensitive issues for a person, such as custody of the children, witness or stay arrangements, drafting common guiding principles in relation to the children, the division of property and more.
  • The management of the case from a strategic and legal point of view: the management of the case at the legal and administrative level in the court and of course the management of the strategic thinking behind it. Our firm believes in examining all the options available to the client and their possible consequences, in order to make the most accurate decision for that specific client.


Success thanks to a personal attitude and immediate response

We have had the privilege of assisting hundreds of clients in divorce proceedings and we believe that success is a combination of several strengths:

  • Immediate response: Our expert team provides every client with an immediate response, starting from the first meeting. We are aware that you need both a solution and effective tools to conduct yourself on a daily level and provide such a solution for each and every customer.
  • Personal treatment on an ongoing basis: from the moment we set out together, we manage the case in a personal and sensitive manner, with a deep understanding of all the diverse aspects of the legal world and their implications for your life.

One house for all your needs

Our office is proud to be a one stop shop for you in the divorce process that you are probably going through or are considering going through. All of our clients receive the envelope required to succeed in divorce proceedings as well as possible. We are aware of all the sensitivities and issues that arise during the management of this type of case and provide for each client what he needs. 

You are welcome to contact us and we will be happy to advise and guide you in this challenging time, because it is important to us that you know that with us you are not alone in this journey

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