Child Custody Visitation Violation

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Violation of Parenting Time

Violation of parenting time is a breach of a custody agreement or court order that sets out the time that children will spend with each parent after a divorce or separation.

Consequences of violating parenting time

Violating parenting time can have significant consequences for all involved:

  • Children: Emotional and psychological harm, feeling of instability and insecurity, damage to the relationship with one of the parents.
  • Violating parent: Reduction in parenting time, imposition of fines, damage to their reputation and relationship with their children.
  • Non-violating parent: Interference with their ability to maintain a continuous relationship with their children, feelings of frustration and pain, interference with their ability to lead a normal life.

How to deal with a violation of parenting time

In case of a violation of parenting time, it is recommended to act as follows:

  • Document the violation: It is important to document each case of violation, including the date, time, and additional details.
  • Contact a lawyer: A lawyer specializing in family law can help you understand your rights and take appropriate action.
  • Apply to the court: In severe cases, it is possible to apply to the family court for an injunction or an order to perform, which will order the enforcement of parenting time.

Important to remember:

  • The best interests of the children are always the top priority.
  • It is important to act in legal and proper ways, avoiding unnecessary conflicts.
  • Cooperation between parents is the best way to ensure consistent and regular parenting time.

Additional information:

  • The Israeli Ministry of Justice website: <כתובת URL לא תקינה שהוסרה>
  • The “Yad La’isha” website:
  • The “Joint Parenting” website: <כתובת URL לא תקינה שהוסרה>


The information presented here does not constitute a substitute for professional legal advice.

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