The Role of Prenuptial Agreements in Protecting Your Assets in Israel

Prenuptial agreements have become an increasingly common tool for couples in Israel who wish to protect their assets and clarify financial responsibilities before marriage. These agreements, also known asprenuptial contractsorprenups”, offer a proactive way to establish terms regarding the division of assets, spousal support, and other financial matters in the event of divorce or separation. While discussing a potential breakup before a marriage even begins may seem uncomfortable, prenuptial agreements can provide both parties with a sense of security and a clear understanding of their financial future.

Prenuptial Agreements

In this blog, we will explore the role of prenuptial agreements in Israel, how they function within the legal system, and why they are valuable tools for protecting assets.

Understanding Prenuptial Agreements in Israel

A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract between two individuals who intend to marry, detailing the division of property and financial responsibilities in the event of divorce or the death of one spouse. In Israel, prenuptial agreements are recognized under both civil and religious law, making them a flexible option for couples seeking to address potential financial issues in advance.

The main purpose of a prenuptial agreement is to establish clear rules regarding how assets, liabilities, and other financial matters will be handled if the marriage ends. Prenups can cover a wide range of issues, including:

– Division of property and financial assets

– Spousal support (alimony)

– Debt allocation

– Inheritance rights

– Business ownership and interests

Prenuptial agreements are beneficial for couples who have significant financial disparities, own property or businesses or have children from previous relationships. By signing a prenup, both parties can protect their assets and avoid lengthy and costly legal disputes in the event of a separation.

The Legal Framework for Prenuptial Agreements in Israel

In Israel, prenuptial agreements are governed by the Financial Relations Law (1973). According to this law, prenuptial agreements must be written, signed by both parties and approved by a family court or rabbinical court to be legally binding. The court’s approval is necessary to ensure that both parties agree voluntarily and fully understand its terms.

Prenuptial Agreements in Israel

The law outlines two key stages of marital asset division:

– Assets Acquired During Marriage: Under Israeli law, assets accumulated during the marriage are generally considered joint property, to be divided equally in the event of a divorce. This includes real estate, savings, pensions, and investments acquired by either spouse during the marriage.

– Assets Acquired Before Marriage: Assets that either spouse owned before the marriage, as well as gifts and inheritances received during the marriage, are typically excluded from the division of property unless otherwise stated in a prenuptial agreement.

A prenuptial agreement allows couples to deviate from these default legal provisions and establish their own rules regarding the division of assets. This can be especially important for individuals who wish to protect personal wealth or family-owned businesses from being subject to division in the event of divorce.

Advantages of Prenuptial Agreements for Women

Prenuptial agreements are often associated with protecting wealthy individuals, but they also offer important benefits for women, particularly those who may be entering marriage with fewer financial resources or those who have taken time away from their careers to raise children. Here are a few reasons why prenuptial agreements can be advantageous for women:

– Financial Independence: A prenup can ensure that both parties maintain financial independence and have clarity regarding how assets and debts will be handled. For women who have sacrificed their careers or income potential to care for the family, a prenuptial agreement can secure financial support in the form of alimony or a predetermined share of marital assets.

Prenuptial Agreements for Women

– Protection of Inheritance and Family Assets: Women who inherit family property or assets before or during marriage may wish to protect these assets from being divided in the event of a divorce. A prenuptial agreement can stipulate that certain assets remain the sole property of the inheriting spouse.

– Security in the Event of Divorce: Prenuptial agreements can be particularly beneficial for women concerned about their financial security after divorce. By defining alimony, property division, and other financial matters upfront, women can avoid prolonged legal battles and uncertainty regarding their financial future.

Challenges and Considerations

While prenuptial agreements offer many advantages, they also come with potential challenges and considerations. It is important to approach the creation of a prenuptial agreement with care and thoughtful negotiation. Some key factors to consider include:

– Ensuring Fairness: A prenuptial agreement must be fair to both parties. If the terms are overly one-sided or if one party feels pressured to sign the deal, a court may later determine that the agreement is invalid. Both parties should have the opportunity to review the document with legal counsel to ensure that it is fair and enforceable.

– Changes in Circumstances: Throughout a marriage, circumstances may change. A prenuptial agreement that seems reasonable at the beginning of the marriage may become outdated if one spouse’s financial situation changes significantly. It is important to revisit and possibly update the agreement if major life events occur, such as the birth of children, career changes, or the acquisition of significant assets.

– Emotional Impact: Discussing financial matters before marriage can be emotionally challenging, as it forces couples to consider the possibility of divorce before they are even married. However, approaching these discussions with honesty and transparency can help build trust and ensure that both parties are entering the marriage with a clear understanding of their financial expectations.

The Process of Drafting a Prenuptial Agreement

Creating a prenuptial agreement in Israel involves several key steps:

– Open Communication: The process begins with open communication between both parties. It is important to discuss financial expectations, goals, and concerns. Both parties should have a clear understanding of each other’s assets, liabilities, and income before drafting the agreement.

– Consult Legal Counsel: Each party should seek independent legal counsel to ensure that their rights are protected and that the agreement is drafted fairly. A lawyer experienced in family law can help negotiate the terms of the prenup and ensure that it complies with Israeli legal requirements.

Israeli legal counsel

– Drafting the Agreement: Once both parties have agreed on the key terms, the agreement is drafted in writing. It should clearly outline the division of assets, financial responsibilities, and any other relevant provisions, such as spousal support or inheritance rights.

– Court Approval: After the prenuptial agreement is signed, it must be approved by a family court or rabbinical court to become legally binding. The court will review the agreement to ensure that it was entered into voluntarily and that both parties fully understood its terms.

Prenuptial Agreements and Religious Law

In Israel, marriage and divorce for Jewish couples are governed by religious law, which includes the requirement of a get (Jewish divorce decree) for the dissolution of the marriage. Prenuptial agreements can play a critical role in ensuring that both parties comply with religious requirements, especially in cases where one spouse may refuse to grant a get.

Several types of religious prenuptial agreements, such as the Agreement for Mutual Respect, are designed to prevent situations in which a woman becomes an agunah (a woman who is refused a get). These agreements typically include provisions that encourage both parties to cooperate in obtaining a religious divorce and may impose financial penalties on the spouse who withholds the get.


Prenuptial agreements in Israel provide a valuable tool for protecting assets and establishing financial clarity before marriage. They offer couples the opportunity to define their terms regarding the division of property, spousal support, and other financial matters, rather than relying on default legal rules. For women, prenuptial agreements can provide essential protection, ensuring financial security and independence in the event of divorce.

By working with legal professionals to create a fair and well-considered prenuptial agreement, couples can enter into marriage confidently, knowing that their assets and financial interests are safeguarded. While prenuptial agreements may not be the most romantic aspect of wedding planning, they can play a crucial role in building a strong and stable foundation for a marriage that lasts a lifetime—or, at the very least, protects both parties if the marriage ends.

בן גוריון 11, מגדל ויטה, בני ברק

לקביעת פגישת ייעוץ



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